I admit it. I'm a guy who truly enjoys writing this blog but I am also a guy who still likes to read his morning newspaper(s). The real papers. The ones with ink. Oh I read others online as well. I still like radio and some aspects of television as well.
My point is this. There are many places to find information today and I'm of the opinion that when new avenues come along, it doesn't mean we have to instantly throw out the old. So I was very glad to have Jay Rosen conduct this survey with some of his students and demonstrate how the old media (newspapers) are working to figure out how to work in the new media (blogs).
Those of us in the public relations profession are right in the sweet spot of figuring out this convergence of media forms. We have two of our folks at the New Communications Forum in Palo Alto this week. Jeff Risley and Andy Woolard will be keeping us posted via their blogs about the Forum and their takes on what is being said there. I will add my own two cents to what they say from here right after I finish reading my horoscope in the newspaper.
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