I missed it Wednesday, but as I began to search for more information on World Water Day, there was plenty of it. In fact there is an organization in my own backyard that I will have to get to know better. It's called WaterPartners International. I can't wait to talk with them.
There was news coverage in Canada, Ethiopia, Kenya, and India just to name a few. And there were some great, non traditional ad campaigns to focus people in other parts of the world on just how precious our greatest natural resource really is.
Here is one that ran in Belgium and in Mexico City, site of the 2006 World Water Forum. The copy says it takes you one second to get a drink of water. He has to walk 20 miles.
When I visited my son Brady during his service in the Peace Corps, I gained a whole new appreciation for water. The water system on the island he lived on was shut off several hours each day. Each house has its own rain tank that catches the rain water. When the water system is off, you switch over to the rain water tank. Needless to say, you are more careful with how you use water. I have tried to bring that concept home with me, but it's too easy to turn on the faucets and use all the water you want. But I will keep trying.
Here are some good tips how we can conserve water. It is a true global problem that each one of us can do something about. There are very few of the world's challenges today in which we can each make a difference. What are you going to do to conserve water?
Thanks, Mike! It’s worth remembering that water is one of our most pressing concerns on this planet.
Posted by: Jack Yan | Friday, March 24, 2006 at 05:58 PM