I admit that I have neglected Citizen Brand a bit this late spring and early summer. But thanks to so many others out there who are not so neglectful, I can share some other points of view. For example, take a look at the TwoHandsWorldshop blog to hear the latest and greatest on what is happening in the world of fair trade. Trust me, there is plenty going on.
And Joe tells us how buying a simple pair of flip flops can be a very good thing to do.
And thanks to Britt for telling us about a nice film festival in San Fransisco on Monday, June 25th. Wish I could be there.
Thanks for hanging in there with Citizen Brand during these interesting times. It's the new normal as my friend Jenne calls it. For the record, my wife has begun her chemo and is doing very well. My sister starts hers on July 6 and is ready to go. We appreciate all the notes, emails, thoughts and prayers coming our way. They work, so please keep it up.
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