19 years of Bush, Clinton and Bush have made Americans weary. More importantly, it has made Americans ready for an honest change. Iowans took a long and serious look at the dozen or so candidates over the past year and delivered a message to the rest of us tonight. We need something much different than what we have had for the past two decades. Iowa delivered a clear message that Democratic Senator Barack Obama of Illinois is the person who can deliver the change we need.
Iowa Republicans delivered a message of their own. Upstart Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas, won their straw vote turning back a $9 million dollar ad campaign by Mitt Romney, another former Governor, and put a split into the Republicans that they will need more than a few primaries to sort out. Even Huckabee's Iowa victory says something about the mood for something different than the status quo of the Bush-Clinton stranglehold on the White House since 1988.
Iowa is only the beginning. But if we listen closely to the message from the heartland tonight, there is a vision of an America that the days of division and fear need to end. It is a vision where citizens say to their leaders that you solve the long standing problems we have or we as citizens will start to find people who will. It is a nation of people who now decide where they will get their information and not wait for someone to spoon feed them only the news someone else thinks is important.
Now, the question is, will we do more than listen? Will we bring this desire for change to reality? I think we will and I think Americans are ready. If you missed Senator Obama's victory speech in Iowa, take time to listen and judge for yourself whether he is exactly what America needs at this point in our history.
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