We will be talking about the 2008 presidential election for decades to come. And it won't be because of voters in Chicago accused of voting more than once (Kennedy v. Nixon in 1960) or hanging chads and Supreme Court votes (Bush v. Gore in 2000). No, this time we will be thinking back on an election that has had candidates that voters actually were supporting and issues that were actually being discussed. And here it is the day after Super Duper Tsunami Tuesday and we still don't know exactly who will be on the ballot in November. Isn't it great?
A Hollywood screenwriter looking for work right now instead of a picket line could not write some of the story lines that are unfolding right before our very eyes. Rush Limbaugh, the conservatives' favorite comedic radio host is doing everything he can to submarine the apparent Republican front running John McCain. Mike Huckabee, who has no money compared to everyone else, manages to win a few states on Tuesday catapulting himself into top challenger status in the GOP race. Meanwhile, Mitt Romney would have to spend $1.33 billion dollars to win enough delegates to take the nomination away from either McCain or Huckabee. That is based on what he has spent thus far to win the paltry number of delegates he has scraped off the floor since the snows of Iowa.
Then there is the Democratic race. This time last year, Hillary Clinton was all but anointed as the nominee. Turn the page to February, 2008 and she finds herself running neck and neck with Barack Obama. The first legitimate chance for either a woman or an African-American to be elected President of the United States and they wake up each morning realizing they are battling each other for the right to live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And today, she revealed she had to loan her own campaign $5 million to keep it going. Obama is out-raising her in donations by a big margin.
And the talk is already beginning of a deadlocked convention and smoke filled back rooms deciding the Democratic nominee. Wait a minute, there won't be any smoke filled rooms inside any building in Denver for the convention. Those meetings will have to occur outside.
This is what I mean. You cannot make this stuff up. We are witness to a remarkable story in 2008. Don't blink. You might miss something.
Finish the "deadlocked democratic convention" portion of the story with, "Election Decided By Power-Hungry Superdelegates" and that's an instant recipe for rioting in the streets and further withdrawal of participation in the electoral process. Super delegate vote = 150,000+ regular votes? Give me a break.
Posted by: Tim | Friday, February 08, 2008 at 01:16 PM
My guess and hope is that Obama will win the elections. Based on the support I see from bloggers, it looks like a good lot of them also support Obama strongly. Even though I am not from America, I can clearly see that he is made of really great leader stuff. He serves as an inspiration to many. Whatever happens though, the people are lucky to have someone like him.
Posted by: Julie, writer Surefirewealth.com | Monday, March 03, 2008 at 09:57 AM