My colleague, Jeff Risley, is representing Barkley this week at an IPREX meeting in Shanghai, China. IPREX is the 60 member global network of public relations firms that Barkley has been a part of for more than a decade. Like the foreign correspondents of old, Jeff is writing dispatches from the other side of the Pacific at his blog, Risley Ranch. Link here and here to see his first reports.
I had the great opportunity to visit China in 1984. It seems amazing that in the last 24 years, the most populous nation on the face of the earth remains at times mysterious and still cloaked in secrecy. The veil is being lifted rather forcibly of late as the Beijing Olympics loom less than 100 days away. Will these Games prove to be the leverage the rest of the world needs to help China understand what is required of a nation who is a growing economic force in the world.
Jeff will return from China with his own views. I look forward to sharing stories of what we both saw 24 years apart. It will be interesting to see what has changed and what has not changed.
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